Source code for isoenum_webgui.proc

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


This module contains `isoenum-webgui` data processing/transformation logic, i.e.
it calls the appropriate `isoenum` API methods in order to generate correct `InChI`,
`Molfile`s and SVG images based upon input from the `isoenum-webgui`.

import uuid
import re

from flask import url_for
import isoenum

from . import HEADER
from . import NMR_TYPES

[docs]def generate_repr_molfile(inchi_str, iso_str, chg_str): """Generate representative `Molfile` using isotope and charge specification strings. :param str inchi_str: `InChI` string. :param str iso_str: Isotope specification. :param str chg_str: Charge specification. :return: Representative `Molfile`. :rtype: :class:`~ctfile.ctfile.Molfile` """ molfile = isoenum.fileio.create_ctfile(inchi_str) if iso_str: for iso_spec in iso_str.split(","): try: isotope, atom_symbol, atom_number = iso_spec.split(":") except: raise ValueError( "Incorrect isotope specification, use <isotope:element:position> format," "e.g. 13:C:1" ) molfile.add_iso( atom_symbol=atom_symbol, atom_number=atom_number, isotope=isotope ) if chg_str: for chg_spec in chg_str.split(","): try: atom_symbol, atom_number, charge = chg_spec.split(":") except: raise ValueError( "Incorrect charge specification, use <element:position:charge> format," "e.g. O:4:-1" ) molfile.add_chg( atom_symbol=atom_symbol, atom_number=atom_number, charge=charge ) return molfile
[docs]def generate_table(records): """Generate `InChI` table. :param dict records: Global RECORDS store. """ for index, record in enumerate(records.values(), start=1): repr_record = update_record(record=record) record.update(repr_record) yield index
[docs]def create_initial_record(header, row): """Initialize record. :param list header: Record keys. :param list row: Record values. :return: Record dictionary. :rtype: dict """ record = create_empty_record() record.update(dict(zip(header, row))) return record
[docs]def update_record(record): """Update record. :param dict record: Record. :return: Updated record. :rtype: dict """ record_inchi_str = record["Base Identifier"] record_iso_str = record["ISO"].upper() record_chg_str = record["CHG"].upper() record_id = record["record_id"] record_name = record["Name"] iso_pattern = re.compile("\d+:[a-zA-z]{1,2}:\d+") chg_pattern = re.compile("[a-zA-Z]{1,2}:\d+:[+-]\d+") iso_list = re.findall(iso_pattern, record_iso_str) chg_list = re.findall(chg_pattern, record_chg_str) try: base_molfile = isoenum.fileio.create_ctfile(record_inchi_str) except isoenum.exceptions.EmptyCTFileError as err: raise isoenum.exceptions.EmptyCTFileError('Invalid "Base Identifier".') try: base_molfile_iso = [ (atom.isotope, atom.atom_symbol, atom.atom_number) for atom in base_molfile.atoms if atom.isotope ] base_molfile_chg = [ (atom.atom_symbol, atom.atom_number, atom.charge) for atom in base_molfile.atoms if atom.charge != "0" ] if base_molfile_iso or base_molfile_chg: for iso in base_molfile_iso: _, atom_symbol, atom_number = iso iso_list.append(":".join(iso)) base_molfile.remove_iso( atom_symbol=atom_symbol, atom_number=atom_number ) for chg in base_molfile_chg: atom_symbol, atom_number, _ = chg chg_list.append(":".join(chg)) base_molfile.remove_chg( atom_symbol=atom_symbol, atom_number=atom_number ) record_inchi_str = isoenum.fileio.create_inchi_from_ctfile_obj(base_molfile) base_molfile_str = base_molfile.writestr(file_format="ctfile") base_svg_str = create_svg(inchi_str=record_inchi_str) base_svg_link = create_svg_link( svg_str=base_svg_str, record_id=record_id, record_type="base" ) iso_str = ",".join(iso_list) chg_str = ",".join(chg_list) repr_inchi_str = create_repr_inchi( base_inchi_str=record_inchi_str, iso_str=iso_str, chg_str=chg_str ) repr_molfile = isoenum.fileio.create_ctfile(repr_inchi_str) repr_molfile_str = repr_molfile.writestr(file_format="ctfile") repr_svg_str = create_svg(inchi_str=repr_inchi_str) repr_svg_link = create_svg_link( svg_str=repr_svg_str, record_id=record_id, record_type="repr" ) html_iso_str = "<br>".join(iso_list) html_chg_str = "<br>".join(chg_list) record = { "Name": record_name, "Base Identifier": record_inchi_str, "Base SVG Str": base_svg_str, "Base SVG": base_svg_link, "Base Molfile": base_molfile_str, "Repr Identifier": repr_inchi_str, "Repr SVG Str": repr_svg_str, "Repr SVG": repr_svg_link, "Repr Molfile": repr_molfile_str, "ISO": html_iso_str, "CHG": html_chg_str, "error_message": "", } except ValueError as err: error_message = " ".join(err.args) record = { "Name": record_name, "Base Identifier": record_inchi_str, "Base SVG Str": "", "Base SVG": "", "Base Molfile": "", "Repr Identifier": "", "Repr SVG Str": "", "Repr SVG": "", "Repr Molfile": "", "ISO": "", "CHG": "", "error_message": error_message, } return record
[docs]def create_repr_inchi(base_inchi_str, iso_str, chg_str): """Create representative `InChI` string. :param str base_inchi_str: Base `InChI` string :param srr iso_str: Isotope specification. :param str chg_str: Charge specification. :return: Representative `InChI` string. :rtype: str """ repr_molfile = generate_repr_molfile( inchi_str=base_inchi_str, iso_str=iso_str, chg_str=chg_str ) repr_inchi_str = isoenum.fileio.create_inchi_from_ctfile_obj(repr_molfile) return repr_inchi_str
[docs]def create_svg(inchi_str): """Create SVG from `InChI` string. :param str inchi_str: `InChI` string. :return: SVG string. :rtype: str """ svg_str = isoenum.fileio.create_svg_str( inchi_str, xH="-xH", xe="-xe", xi="-xi", bg="-xb none" ) return svg_str
[docs]def generate_nmr(nmr_experiment_type, records): """Generate NMR specific `InChI` tables. :param str nmr_experiment_type: NMR experiment type. :param dict records: Global RECORDS dictionary. :return: None. :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ nmr_experiment_type = NMR_TYPES[nmr_experiment_type] for record in records.values(): record_id = record["record_id"] repr_inchi = record["Repr Identifier"] record.setdefault("NMR", {}) record["NMR"].setdefault(nmr_experiment_type, {}) record["NMR"][nmr_experiment_type].setdefault(repr_inchi, {}) if not record["NMR"][nmr_experiment_type][repr_inchi]: sdfile = isoenum.api.iso_nmr( path_or_id=repr_inchi, experiment_type=nmr_experiment_type, couplings=[], decoupled=[], subset=False, ) for index, data in enumerate(sdfile.sdfdata, start=1): coupling_type = data["CouplingType"] nmr_inchi = data["InChI"][0] me_group = data["MEGroup"][0] row_id = "{}_{}".format(record_id, index) record["NMR"][nmr_experiment_type][repr_inchi][row_id] = { "descr": coupling_type, "inchi": nmr_inchi, "me_group": me_group, "row_id": row_id, } else: continue
[docs]def create_record_id(): """Create record id. :return: Record id string. :rtype: str """ return str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs]def create_empty_record(): """Create empty record. :return: Empty record dictionary. :rtype: dict """ record_id = create_record_id() empty_record = {} for col in HEADER: if col["title"] == "record_id": empty_record[col["title"]] = record_id else: empty_record[col["title"]] = "" return empty_record